Title insurance is a crucial component of any real estate transaction, yet it is often overlooked by buyers and sellers alike. Many people may not fully understand what title insurance is and why it is necessary, which can lead to potential issues and financial loss in the future. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of title insurance services and how...
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5 Issues a Title Company Can Handle for You
Title insurance is an important aspect of purchasing a property and can be confusing with all the moving parts within a real estate transaction. A title company is your advocate and has your best interest at heart. This means it can handle several issues for you related to real estate purchases.
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1. Liens Against Property
A lien is a legal claim against someone’s property. It can be...5 Tips for Choosing the Best Title Company for Your Needs
When you're ready to buy a house or refinance your mortgage, you'll need to choose a title company. A title company's job is to ensure that the property you buy is free of liens or claims. They will also oversee the closing process and ensure all the paperwork is in order. With so much at stake, choosing the best title company for your needs is...
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